The green element in a home is essential to make it perceive vitality, care, and cleanliness. A house also inhabited by plants and not only by people gives the idea of ​​a fresh and healthy environment, to the point of guaranteeing a luxuriant growth of plant species. But between buying seedlings and taking care of them there is a lot of difference: if you have many commitments that do not allow you to guarantee consistency, you should prefer the following species: they need very little water and also grow in the dark. So if you are away from home for a few days you won't have to worry about your plants!

1. Calatea

It is a houseplant with large and elegant leaves: it survives even several days without light, which is why it is suitable for being placed in even closed environments. In the winter months, it needs very little water, the rest of the year slightly more.

2. Dieffenbachia

It is an evergreen recognizable by the oblong leaves streaked with yellow. He loves diffused light, so it is preferable to keep it behind a curtain. In spring-summer, the old leaves are replaced by new ones, of very intense green.

3. Dracaena

Place this plant inside your home or office and it will instantly create a tropical atmosphere! Dracaena loves shade, so keep it out of the sun!

4. Phalanx (Chlorophytum comosum)

It is a very undemanding plant, which is why it is very popular with indoor varieties. In addition, it purifies environments in an excellent way.

5. Soleirolia

This plant is characterized by very small leaves: it looks very good if hooked to a tall plant. It grows very fast but requires water.

6. Fern

These plants adapt to a humid and not very dry place: spray them often with nebulized water.

 7. Philodendron cordatum

They need little water but require pruning to allow other leaves to grow.

8. Neoregelia

Pineapple belongs to the same family as this plant: it loves artificial light and humid rooms in the house.

9. Spatafillo

If you have little time to dedicate to watering the plants and you have little light in the house, this is the species for you!

10. Aglaonema

It is a famous ornamental plant, ideal for those who are dedicated to the green thumb for the first time!

11. Sansevieria

It requires virtually no care: you can put it in the light, but it also grows well in the dark.

12. Lead plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

The name refers to the plant's resistance to heat, cold, and lack of light: it grows very slowly, so be patient!

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