The Galah, better known as the Pink Cockatoo, is probably one of the nicest and most satisfying parrots to keep in captivity, although the breeding of this bird is rather complex and not suitable for everyone. It is certainly very widespread on the market, while in nature it is possible to observe it in much of Australia, excluding the coasts. It is an absolutely unique parrot of its kind due to the pink color of its plumage. Although its appearance is quite similar to that of other cockatoos, genetic studies have shown that the pink one is so different that it is classified in a separate genus. Although they are extremely intelligent parrots, their original name is certainly not flattering as it means "idiot".

image: Pixabay

The original name of the Pink Cockatoo is "Galah", a word that comes from "gilaa", from the aboriginal language of Yuwaalaraay. Although they are very intelligent and friendly birds, the literal meaning of the word "gilaa" is "idiot". The main reason why this parrot species has been given such a derogatory name is probably due to the fact that they make a lot of noise.

image: Flickr / Lance

They are certainly very lively animals, who love the company and are always very active. Like many other animals, Pink Cockatoos suffer a lot from loneliness, which is why it is always good to dedicate many hours of the day to them and equip their aviary so that they never get bored. Also, don't forget to take him out of the cage from time to time!

image: Wikimedia Commons

Being very lively, it could happen that during the euphoria of the moment it may inadvertently peck its master. In reality, it is advisable to curb this attitude immediately, otherwise, it could become a habit, growing up.

The Pink Cockatoo, as you may already know, is one of those parrots that "talk" or, better said, are able to reproduce some sounds they hear during the day. Plus, they are able to learn various intelligence games quickly, so if you decide to raise one, be sure to provide them with puzzles to solve daily!

Extremely sociable and intelligent, he really enjoys interacting with humans

Image Credit : Flickr / GrrlScientist
Image Wikimedia

In short, the original name of this bird seems to us really unfair to it!

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