The story of the so-called "Tree of 40 Fruits" begins in 2008, when artist Sam Van Aken learns that an old urban orchard (owned by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station) is about to close its doors.

To safeguard and conserve (in a decidedly original way) the species present in the orchard, Van Aken acquires it and begins to "play" with the grafts: the result is a tree that is both a botanical prodigy and a work of art.

The artist imagined a tree that was incredible in appearance and function

He began working with grafts, creating hybrids between genetically similar plants

He focused on stone fruit, a set of fruit trees including peach, plum, apricot, and cherry

If in autumn and winter it looks like a tree with no particular signs, when the moment of flowering arrives it reveals its secret

Each grafted part has its own color and its own type of flowers

And obviously, the flowering follows the fruit production, depending on the species

At any time of the year, the tree is capable of bearing fruit, obviously different every time

It wouldn't be bad to have one in the garden, would it? ;-)

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