From a global pandemic to climate change, the universe hasn't given us much reason to smile lately. However, a puppy in Japan is doing his best to make us see things in a more positive light. Meet Uni, an adorable shiba inu who is always smiling. This nine-month-old puppy has his own Instagram account, where his owner shares photos of this puppy every day with his 113,000 followers.
beaming smile is contagious — it's impossible not to smile back at this cuddly
pup. In her photos she appears relaxing at home, exploring Tokyo with her
owner, and even posing in adorable outfits. While Uni smiles most of the time,
she is even happier when she has food nearby. He is often seen smiling
alongside all kinds of snacks, but his favorite reward is undoubtedly potatoes.
As if her
smiley face wasn't cute enough, Uni also has another adorable trait: her paws!
"Uni is beautiful not only because he is always smiling," says his
owner. "His short little legs have white paws, so it looks like he's
wearing socks!"
Check out
more photos of the smiling Uni below and follow him on Instagram for more
adorable content.
Meet Uni, the adorable shiba inu who always has a big smile on his face.
This nine-month-old puppy shares his joy with the world wherever he goes.
UNI: Instagram